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badan gue hancur. remuk.
nggak sih. lebay banget i know.
yang jelas, badan gue pegal parah.
this is the whole story.
hari sabtu gue ke batam. iseng aja sih daripada bosen.
yaudah sampai lah gue di batam. malemnya penderitaan gue dimulai.
pertama gue pergit ke sukajadi. sama temen gue.
dan di sana, we drunk. you know what i mean.
cukup banyak. sucha whisky.
harusnya gue tau kalo i would've drunk.
soalnya pagi sebelum berangkat gue udah ada firasat.
nyokap gue balik ke rumah and she brought Black Label.
mati gak tuh. udah abis sih, tapi ada sisa setetes dua tetes.
gue tenggak. biasa aja sih.
nah kembali ke pokok.
dimana gue minum.
diitung - itung, ada lah sekitar 2 gelas aqua. dan kadar alkoholnya 45%.
dan udah lama banget gue nggak minum.
pas minum gue masi biasa aja, dan nggak mikir bakalan ada langkah selanjutnya.
pas abis sebotol, kita memutuskan untuk lanjut.
cabutlah kita ke suatu pub. i don't need to write the name of that place here. aib soalnya.
oke, di sana baru i was going 'high'.
seinget gue, gue dance gila - gilaan. tripping parah.
gue nggak sadar sampai berapa lama.
karena itu lah. sakitnya badan gue baru terasa hari ini, tadi pas bangun tidur.
dan sialnya kepala gue baru berat sekarang. weird.
karena itu. gue bertekad mulai sekarang nggak bakal melakukan hal - hal yang dilarang agama. YEAHHHH!


new. neW. nEW. NEW.

this is my new blog. actually i'm not even new in this blogging thing, i already had one -or two before but they didn't get too much updated because i wasn't too much interested to daily write about what i thought, until now i'm getting so bored with my cyber stuffs, name it : facebook, twitter, etc. okay i may be still addicted to them, yea like i can't ressist myself to check my account once a day but the number decreases and i don't have any problem if somebody freeze my account whatsoever i don't care more, i already got my real life to pass through geeeeez.
nah okay now i'm doing this blog trying to write something, better if it would be meaningful or what blahaa you know then i realize i'm now already writing something. from the beginning of this unimportant words, they're something. because if i wrote nothing, then there's nothing on my post. is that true? okay i dizzy you now. hmm i got dizzied too, and also my notebook distracts me so baaaaad. for sure, it's the mozilla firefox bothered. i know i know mozilla is sooooooo last year but there are some reasons why i don't change my browser to some hype ones (ex.: flock browser,etc.) : 1) i don't have enough time to download that thing -in fact i better download some latest audios; and 2) i don't care if i'm out of date. haa. but wait. a thought popped out from my mind and ask me to download it. because i already got a new blog, why don't i get the other new thingy? okaaaaay, and i decide to get Safari. why i choose her? because it's simply coooooool. i once tested it, i forget whose computer it was, but i liked it very much much much. OK just wait until i already download that thing.


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